What I think of David Eddings books. David Eddings wrote mostly fantasy novels. The characters of David Eddings books are very complete through his books they will live and change but still keep their own identity. You often only need one sentence said by a char to know who said it. His story are original but are a little repetitive. The same idea of Super Hero against his will and the interaction of the Gods comes in most of his books. The similitudes in his series are disturbing. The scene and chars change but the genereal idea is the same. The Malloreon's are a copy of the Belgariad and The Tamuli a copy of the Elenium. But then again due to the living chars and his fluent (easy?) way to write they are never boring. Eddings writes in an easy English cutting long sentences in smaller comprehensive ones. In Eddings books it is not the main story that is so breathtaking but it is the details. The well described scenes and again the actors. I read the Belgariad twice and it pleased me as good the second time as the first. Thierry Coutelier (Thierry.Coutelier@prophecy.lu)